Experience what a day-to-day job is like
Does it align with your interests, skills and values? Find out, clarify your doubts.

Does it align with your interests, skills and values? Find out, clarify your doubts.
Discover the practical skills most sought after by the best companies. Gain confidence.
Do it when and how you want
Open to all students
Hesitant about what career to do? Are you in 1st, 2nd... or senior year? Explore.
Enter the talent pool of companies and be the first to know about new opportunities.
Show interest and demonstrate your skills by doing the virtual experience programs. Differentiate yourself from other candidates.
Register with Shapr, sign up for programs and explore career opportunities. No previous experience or previous job application is required
Complete the tasks proposed in the program, use the resources and tools that the company makes available to you. Compare your work with model solutions. Learn and get certificates for your CV and LinkedIn.
At the end of a program contact directly and/or make yourself visible to the talent attraction managers of our partner companies.